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Frankfurt Book Fair 2022

Will we see you at the book fair? Our founder, Head of Business Development, Head of Publisher Relations, and many more will be there.

If you are participating and would like to schedule some time for a chat during the conference, or a demo beforehand, just reach out to any of our team members below.

October 19, 2022 (Past Event)
Contact us

Head of Business Development at ChronosHub
Martin Jagerhorn

Martin Jagerhorn

Martin leads our collaboration with institutions, publishers, research funders, and technology partners across the ecosystem engaged in scientific and academic publishing.

Head of Publisher Relations at ChronosHub
Romy Beard

Romy Beard

Romy is specialized in the academic online publishing industry, with a focus on publisher relations. And she’s one of our key experts in Open Access publishing terms. 

CEO at ChronosHub
Christian Grubak

Christian Grubak

Christian founded ChronosHub in 2017 to deliver innovative technology and business solutions to support the scientific and academic publishing community. 

Engineering Manager, Institutional Products at ChronosHub
Nikolaj Borup

Nikolaj Borup

Nikolaj is highly focused on the quality, usability, and scalability of our platform experience.

VP of Branding & Communication at ChronosHub
Vivi Billesø

Vivi Billesø

Vivi has extensive knowledge of building brands and online presence covering all steps, from when content is produced until it’s published, managed, and turned into great insights. 


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