From Research to Publication: A Researcher’s Guide to Open Access
Maybe you’re brand new to the publishing process, maybe you’re not. But we can all agree that the world of academic publishing is becoming increasingly complex.
We invite you to join us for an engaging series of webinars where we put the researcher in the spotlight. During the sessions, we’ll do 360-degree deep dives into the concept of Open Access and address all types of OA questions and concerns to help you, as a researcher, feel more educated, inspired, and confident in navigating the world of Open Access.
Download the presentation slides from the webinar.
On April 21, we had our third session in our researcher-centric webinar series!
The topic was funder requirements in relation to OA publishing and, as always, our two experts, Romy Beard and Laura Davidson, made sure to lead the way smoothly as we looked into common issues and practical examples.
For researchers, Open Access brings new opportunities as well as challenges. Many research funders have increasingly developed different requirements to ensure that publications made with acknowledgment of their funding are made freely accessible through Open Access. Understanding these requirements, however, is often no cakewalk. In this webinar, we uncovered some of the most common funder requirements in relation to OA publishing and looked into how a researcher can go about dealing with these requirements.
A common requirement has to do with the rules for paying APCs. Some funders have a maximum cost they’ll cover, or they’ll only pay for certain journals, journal types, or only if a specific license is applied. Based on this, we looked into sample policies for the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) which both have quite similar policies. They each have rules for when they’ll cover APCs, and both have restrictions in terms of OA routes.
As such, our two hosts highlighted prominent concerns that researchers often experience. Sometimes the funder won’t fund, a wrong license is applied, the journal type is not eligible for payment, or the embargo period is longer than the funder requires. Surely, there’s a lot to take in for the researcher who’ll need proper support and guidance to avoid running the risk of compliance issues.
This was just a snippet of our webinar. If you want to hear more about funder requirements or maybe need an assisting hand to help you deal with them on your own OA publishing journey, have a look at the full recording of the webinar above!
If you like, you can also join us for our fourth and final session in our webinar series, where we’ll wrap everything up by looking into OA agreements. Sign up right here.
To support the transition toward a more "open" future for the research community, many research funders have developed requirements to ensure that research publications made with acknowledgment of their funding are made freely accessible through Open Access.
Nonetheless, understanding the different requirements and the specific terms of a grant is certainly no cakewalk. To make sure that you, as a researcher, avoid the risk of running straight into a dead-end street as a result of compliance issues and eligibility confusion, we need all facts on the table!
Publisher Relations & Business Development Manager, Romy Beard, and Customer Care Specialist & Researcher, Laura Davidson are the hosts for this webinar. They'll be ready to dig into various aspects – from compliance and payment eligibility to licenses and Plan S. In other words; be ready for a 360 view of all you need to know about the interplay between Open Access and funder requirements.
What you’ll gain from this session: