Help Us Help You stay compliant with your funder's Open Access policy
We’ve plunged headfirst and showered ourselves in data to build and take the Journal Guide Beta public.
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So you can browse, search, filter, sort, and compare more than 45,000 journals to find the right journal to publish in without worrying about compliance issues with your funder’s OA policies.
You indicate your funding source(s), and the Journal Guide will let you know which journals that offer a publishing route that is compliant with the funding policies. Plan S funders, the European Commission, NIH, NSF, NFSC, and many more are currently available in the Journal Guide.
Our tool is integrated with v2 Sherpa Romeo, Scopus, DOAJ, Journal Checker Tool, and other sources to help provide you with the best service possible.
The service is free; all we ask for is your help to make it even better. Locate the outliers, make suggestions, and send us your feedback. You’ll find the feedback form once you access our tool.
Learn more about the beta-release of the ChronosHub Journal Guide and how it supports Open Access. Sign up, and we'll email you a demo recording.